SandRimini 2024 en
Second edition of the Sandrimini, 3 vs 3 men's and women's basketball tournament, held at the “Beach Court” playground in Rimini, at the Parco del Mare, Piazzale Kennedy area.
A national level tournament, with participants from all over Italy.
Competing categories: Female – Male – Wheelchair basketball.
Three days on the Rimini seafront dedicated to inclusion, fun and passion for this sport. Exceptional testimonial: Carlton Myers .
Team registration via the reference portal
Location:piazzale Kennedy - Rimini
Friday 21 June
5.00pm - 6.30pm Check-in, team accreditations
7.00pm - 00.30am Categories: Female – Male – Wheelchair basketball: tournament-group stages.
Saturday 22 June
16.00 - 00.30 Women's and Men's categories: group stages and play-offs.
Wheelchair basketball categories: preliminary rounds, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals.
Wheelchair basketball category awards.
From 11.00pm “Sandrimini” party at the “Ombelico”.
Sunday 23 June
4.00pm - 10.00pm Female and Male Categories Preliminary phases – Quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals.
Awards Ceremony in the Female and Male Categories.
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